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The JCS Riverwalk Corridor & Arboretum always appreciates Friends & Neighbors coming out and lending some of their valuable time to maintain and enjoy the splended feel and colorful view of the Arboretum and its natural environment.

We welcome all Volunteers and are very grateful to Friends that regularly join us throughout the planting season such as Students, Scouts, Seniors, Veterans, Employee & Church Groups, Developmentally Challenged Residents, Government Officials, Business Leaders, Civic Organizations and just great people all the time.

The JCS Arboretum also awards Community Service Credits(CSH) for anyone that has to fulfill court-mandates school requirements or church obligated services as well.

If you want to get out into the great outdoors with your family, friends or simply just putter around the grounds for physical exercise or mental harmony, please contact us anytime.

For more information - The award-winning JCS Arboretum

P.O. Box 348

W. Warwick, R.I. 02893

(401) 828-9191


From: Friends of The JCS Arboretum

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