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I remember listening to my parents talk about the Clinton impeachment hearings and one thing stood out from the rest. They said, what a man does in private is manifested in public. I didn't know that that mean at the time. Later I understood it to mean that if Clinton lied about having sex to the nation, he would lie about anything. In our house that equaled immoral and unethical. So as I watched the run up of Trump's campaign and subsequent win, I wondered where all the older people that were so upset with Bill Clinton were and why weren't they speaking out against the immoral and unethical behavior of Trump. To this day, I don't understand why they chose to ignore his very dubious and shady past. B

I have no doubt in my mind that Trump has used the office of the President to enrich himself and to give himself an edge in the 2020 elections. He doesn't concern himself with such things like laws, propriety, morality, empathy, or upstanding. He was not someone to be admired prior to winning the election. He has not done anything to be admired during his administration. He will never be seen as anything other than a divisive person in American history.

Is this really the type of person we want our children to admire and look up to?

From: Impeachment on what grounds?

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