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This has been a re-occurring theme for many years in RI. In the past, political blame was not easily identifiable. As time has gone by, it is easy to see that business has left the states and the reasons are the environment created by RI political process. This is not only RI.. Connecticut has lost large corporations (GE namely), California has lost many corporations to Texas. Most recently NY losing Amazon to VA. When you look at the reasons, many of the states are those governed or mostly governed by politicians from the Democratic party. This is not by accident. If you have watched recent Presidential Democratic primary debates, these candidates are seeking to go after corporations for 'not paying their employees a fair share" and have vowed to raise taxes on those who hold Sr. positions at these firms "as part of the 1%".. In reality, our capitalist society is turning more socialistic. Social societies fail (Venezuela, etc..) RI is following that path. No incentive for business to come here, increased fees put on by current governor and past governor. We need real change, other states are having much success. Our senators and reps are not getting the job done. Not under this president, or past 4. At moment, in order to keep business from leaving, state leadership is selling their sole by reducing tax expense. They do not however provide the same benefit to potential new business. All in all, it is mix of poor management by our democrat weighted politicians and those they place in positions of management. Unions are not bad, they are good as they keep things honest. Yet what good are unions if there is no work to be obtained. Relying on state funds to upgrade roads., building etc.. are not the major draws to new business. Providing free secondary schooling does not draw business when a strong labor force lives 30 miles away in Massachusetts. Many factors for the reason we are last, many factors that are multiplying..

From: Study: RI worst state to start a business

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