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Life is not simply black or white, nor is the law always the law.

For example, stealing is wrong. If a mother steals medicine to save the life of her child, should she be given the same punishment as a wealthy realtor who signs a contract with a small business to do work at his casino but fails to pay? Should the mother be punished at all? What if the wealthy realtor manages to steal that labor with no penalty because he threatens to sue the small business woman? Both walked off with something. Does "the law is the law" idea really cover these two situations?

Can you really say the law is applied equally to all in America? Rich, poor, men, women, black, white, young, old, famous or not. We all know that is not true. Why do you judge the DACA kids so harshly? They did not choose to come to the US illegally. DACA kids were younger than 17 when they came to the US. Do we now punish children for the mistakes of their parents?

President Obama's Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals was never ruled unconstitutional by the US Supreme Court. It was meant to be temporary and used to prioritize action for ICE agents so that Homeland Security could use its limited resources wisely.

These young people have been vetted. They registered for the program. They serve in our military. They have started their own businesses and employ Americans. They pay taxes. They DO obey the laws. Remember, they were brought here as children. This is their home. Is the only answer to their Catch 22 "laws were broken" now they must go? That makes no sense. Initially, they were not legally old enough to follow the law.

Mr. Curran,, I can't believe you want to throw these young people out. They are contributing to our society. They did nothing wrong. There are huge mitigating circumstance involving DACA young people.

Again, life is not simply black and white. And the law is not simply the law. Right now the president plans to deport DACA kids while pardoning an officer of the law, Sheriff Joe Arpaio, who was found guilty of criminal contempt of court? That is not American.

From: Are dreamers truly Americans

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