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I would also like to add that families are comprised of many members, not just grandparents. There are siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins, godparents.... Will they want "rights" as well? Many families used to have "funny uncles" who were to be avoided at all cost! Just because a person had an ability to reproduce, does not mean they are a good person, as the recent DCYF horrors have shown us. As a last point, how are families and children ever expected to heal and move on with the threat of court interference every time a person feels they have "rights" because they didn't get their way or what they felt they were entitled to. The woman in the story has had four years of court interaction and is still, apparently, not happy with the outcome. Where does this end? It's quite ridiculous, and irrational.

From: Laws aim to give grandparents visitation rights

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