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Interesting it doesn't say WHY "Betty" doesn't have a relationship with her daughter, and just what her role and responsibilities are in this story. Everyone seems to feel they have a "right" to something these days, without consequence for actions feelings or other's regards or consequence for their own poor choices.. Perhaps she was not the wonderful parent and grandparent she thought she was, perhaps she is unstable, abusive or has a substance problem, and her daughter was trying to do what is best for the child involved. Interesting that this seems to be a generational problem, namely the Baby Boomer generation, if the article is correct. Everyone has responsibilities and hassling people through legislation or the courts is not always the best answer., if not make the situation worse for all. "Betty" sounds as if she may have some issues with wanting to control. Just remember, as with every story there are three sides to every story: yours,, mine and the truth.

From: Laws aim to give grandparents visitation rights

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