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I had Mr. Russo as a Biology teacher my freshman year at JHS, and I understand why an article like this exists. He did some great things for the high-school, and was by far the most active and involved of all teachers in the student council and homecoming events. Students loved him, flocked to him, and stood by him years after they graduated for all of the support he provided them, However, that treatment was reserved for only a select group of students - usually those in the student body. Other students, like myself, who were from low-income families, introverted, or not popular enough to win a seat on the student body were treated as second-rate, expendable, and with contempt. I could make the argument that Mr. Russo actively tried to ruin my life and the lives of many other kids. I can even vividly recall one occasion when he "jokingly" insulted me in front of the class, the classroom roared in laughter, and I sunk into my chair accepting the h*ll that would be my next 3.5 years. This man was an astounding mentor to some, and a flat out bully to his other students. He showed no empathy to those with social anxiety, poor home lives that resulted in poor classroom performance, or just a lack of interest interest in popularity contests (aka student government).

I have seen kids from my class who were emotionally crippled by a year of his teaching. Other kids who didn't fit the Italian-American majority that runs the school, but were otherwise nice kids and hard workers accept their role as a forever social outcast. I won't go into detail about the fringe kids who just needed a mentor to help put them on the right track. I don't blame the kids (adults now) who loved him for sticking up for him, because he was terrific to them, but to myself, and others, this felony charge is karma. Karma, for making high-school a nightmare for them. Karma, for explicitly telling them that they wouldn't amount to anything. Karma, for offering so much to a select few, and taking away so much from us.

So, go ahead, hold up Mr. Russo as your hero and mentor. Come to his aid and tell stories of how he was such a positive influence on your high-school years. But, deep down you sat in the classroom as us, and you knew that we didn't get even close to the same treatment for reasons that were entirely outside of a teenager's control. He's the reason why I avoid Cherry Hill Rd. when I'm back in Johnston, and he's the voice inside my head telling me that I'm not good enough. 2 Bachelor's Degrees in Engineering, a minor in Mathematics, and a job at one of the most influential research institutions in the United States is enough to prove his prediction wrong. Does he still live with his mom?

From: Let’s set things straight: In defense of Greg Russo, one of Johnston’s finest

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