LETTER: The horse should come before the cart


To the Editor,

Over the years, running for local offices I always left my calling card via, telling it the way it is, knowing I was paving the way for future candidates that believe “the horse should come before the cart.”

The endless demands of government labor unions that have profoundly inflated the costs of our services, in which they have methodically taken over many of our state and local governments including our federal government and especially our town. I find it very disheartening that so many candidates are unwilling to take them on.

As for our town, the provisions in the contracts are very extensive.

“Truth-be-told,” the demands of our Fire and Rescue fill 64 pages. As for the 15 paid holidays, they include paid birthdays.

Note: The combined force of our fire and police is 177, so let's do a little math.

Because of minimum staffing and overtime involved the actual expense to provide paid birthdays is the equivalent of 442 days wages just for that one seemingly insignificant provision. When you consider the cost to accommodate three personal days it’s in the tens of thousands annually and that's not even the tip of the iceberg.

And you wonder where all the money is going?

“Truth-be-told,” over those years, as I highlighted the provisions, costs and alternatives, I saw a side of the unions that mirrored Stalinism, without exception.

In 2010, excluding state school aid, our budget was $78.8 million. In 2023, excluding state school aid, it was $107.3 million, a $28.5 million increase. So where have those tens of $millions gone to? How come our taxes never ever come down?

As we continue to overdevelop our town and bring in additional $millions all we get from our elected democratic officials is “they are holding the line on taxes.”

“Truth-be-told,” when taxes go up it only benefits civil service, as they are the recipients of taxation. As taxes continue to spiral out of control one day soon Johnston Taxpayers will be faced with “supplemental taxes” to enable the endless demands of the various departments.   

However, there is a bright spot. The commentaries I have been fortunate enough to get in the Johnston SunRise, a must publication for every municipality that keeps residents informed, I've been getting lots of thumbs up. It seems more lifelong well-intentioned Democrats are now opening their eyes as the nowadays liberal, socialist, perverse Democratic Party has been showing its hand on every level; local, state, federal and internationally, and all very disturbing.

Realizing the need for residents to have a much more thorough understanding where the money is going our town needs to develop a database that would enable residents to view the provisions and costs including having the ability to type any questions.

“Truth-be-told,” if they had that ability cost saving alternatives would flash across their minds. But that will never happen as long as the “special interests” continue to run our town in which we don't even televise the council or school committee meetings? At present, if residents submit questions regarding various expenses, depending on the questions, they will have to pay a research charge.

In closing, I wish I didn’t care about our country or what the future holds for tomorrow’s generation, but I do and make no apologies for my outspoken concerns, as lifelong democrats and eligible nonvoters need to open their eyes.

“Truth-be-told,” one day, in the not-so-distant future, when government takes total control over the citizenry, tomorrow’s oppressed generation will look back and lament, knowing their great or great, great grandparents never gave a damn about them.

Peter A. Filippi III, of Johnston (“A.K.A. Town Troublemaker”)


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