New Johnston Amazon facility details to be released, debated at public hearing


Johnston will host a public hearing and special meeting at 7 p.m. on Wednesday, Sept. 15.

The town’s residents have been eagerly awaiting details regarding “Project Schooner,” a huge Amazon distribution facility proposed for a 195-acre parcel of land off Hartford Avenue, near the road’s intersection with Route 295.

If built, and opened, the facility will be owned and operated by Amazon, the online mega-retailer.

A preliminary site plan has already cleared the Johnston Planning Board, but tax breaks and other related contingencies between the town and the company have yet to be resolved or discussed in public.

The meeting will be held at the Johnston High School Auditorium, 345 Cherry Hill Road.

The Johnston Town Council will hold the public hearing to consider authorizing a tax stabilization agreement between the town and “ Services, LLC/Owner for real property,” according to a legal advertisement for the meeting.

The legal notice for the meetings is the first time any publicly available town document or town official has mentioned the word “” on-the-record.

Town Council is expected to vote on a resolution authorizing Johnston Mayor Joseph M. Polisena to enter into a “Community Partnership Agreement” between the town and Amazon, for the project planned for 2120 Hartford Ave.

Town Council will also likely vote on a Resolution authorizing Polisena to enter into a “Construction Funding Agreement,” between Johnston and Bluewater Property Group, LLC “to facilitate the design and construction of certain roadway improvements to Hartford Avenue (State Route 6).”

A third resolution will address a “Tri-Party Construction Coordination Agreement” between the town, Bluewater and DiPrete Engineering Associates, Inc. “regarding the development of a retail distribution center on real estate purchased by Bluewater.”

“The Parties are entering into this Tri-Party Construction Coordination Agreement to set forth each of their obligations regarding facilitation of the design and construction of certain roadway improvements to Hartford Avenue (State Route 6) in the Town of Johnston,” according to the legal notice provided by Johnston Town Clerk Vincent P. Baccari Jr.

Polisena will also pitch a “Sub-Recipient Agreement” between the town and the state Department of Transportation (DOT) concerning design and construction improvements to certain portions of Hartford Avenue.

According to the legal notice, the Rhode Island DOT “has agreed to contribute state funds, not exceeding two-million seven-hundred thousand dollars ($2,700,000.00) towards said road improvements.”


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