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Finally this disgraceful democrat council person is held somewhat accountable. It is too bad that the AG cut slack and did not publicize that the grand jury voted true bill on a felony charge. Then her lawyer decided to try to make the deal. If anyone else did that the results would be different. She and her husband have been named defendants on a dozen lawsuits. Opening credit cards, getting cash advances and not paying the credit agencies, NUMEROUS TIMES, just like Picozzi.

She takes no responsibility for anything, she is a thief and thats all there is to it. She conspired to steal a piece of property and then violated my constitutional rights when I spoke about it at the council meeting on July 17th 2023. She is also being sued for that but is not held to account as the taxpayers will pay the bill. The worst thing is that the city council does nothing about it. So to quote a failed democrat council woman -- Buh bye!

From: Warwick City Councilwoman pleads no contest, gets a year suspended sentence and probation

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