Thursday, September 21st, 2023 at 6:30 PM
Johnston Senior Center
1291 Hartford Avenue
Notice is hereby given that the Zoning Board of Review will hold a special meeting on September 21, 2023 at 6:30 pm, at Johnston Senior Center, 1291 Hartford Avenue. All persons interested in the following proposals are requested to be present at this time. The assembly facilities are accessible to the handicapped. Persons requiring special accommodations shall call the Zoning Office at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting (401) 231-4000 ext 4117. Persons utilizing TDD equipment may contact the Town through “Relay Rhode Island” at 1-800-745-6675. The agenda for the evening will be as follows, subject to change:
I. Roll Call and Pledge of Allegiance
II. Minutes from Previous Meetings
III. Old Business:
Petition of Vincent Russo, Jr.: Applicant/Owner for 136 Simmonsville Avenue, Ap 29 Lot 67, zoned R-20 and R40. Applicant is seeking a use variance to expand parking at the subject property.
IV. New Business:
Petition of Juan Zayas: Owner/Applicant for 73 Simmonsville Avenue, AP 27 Lot 201, Zoned R20. Applicant proposes to legalize a previously constructed pergola or covered patio structure which is 200 sq. ft and was inadvertently placed within the accepted literal dimensional requirement of 5 feet from property line.
Petition of Raymond and Atny Martin, Owner/Applicant for 20 Almond Drive, AP 43 Lot 328, Zoned R-40. Applicant proposes to construct an addition to an existing single-family home. Applicant is requesting relief from dimensional requirements.
Petition of Hilda Paz Izzaguirre, Owner/Applicant for 1073 Atwood Avenue. AP 6 Lot 13, Zoned R-15. Applicant proposes to construct an addition to the rear of an existing two-family structure. Applicant is requesting relief from dimensional requirements.
Petition of Shahzad Yaqoob, Owner/Applicant for 39 Union Avenue, AP 18 lot 188, Zoned R-15. Applicant proposes to construct an addition to the left side of an existing single-family structure. Applicant is requesting relief from dimensional requirements.
Petition of George and Charlena A. Clark, Owner/Applicant for 18 Weaver Road, AP 61 Lot 124. Zoned R-40. Applicant proposes to construct a detached two car garage. Applicant is requesting relief from dimensional requirements.
V. Adjournment
Per order of the Zoning Board of Review
Thomas Lopardo, Chairman
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