Johnston Senior Center board expired

Advisory committee now has no members, hasn’t met for years


The last Johnston Senior Center Advisory Board appointment attempt died without a second.

All the appointments’ terms have expired.

The board was established by town ordinance. It should have seven members, helping to guide the direction of the Johnston senior community hub.

“I am a proponent of having the advisory board established and I’m anxious to get working with them,” said Richard J. DelFino Jr., who was named Johnston Senior Center Executive Director as Mayor Joseph Polisena Jr. took office.

The Johnston Senior Center, at 1291 Hartford Ave., now has “close to 3,000 members,” according to DelFino. He said he can run the center without the board, but the community would benefit from a full and functioning advisory committee.

“The Johnston Senior Center Advisory Board is advisory in nature, but it’s an opportunity for members and the community to be informed,” DelFino said. “The previous appointments have expired. Right now there is no board.”

The town’s Code of Ordinances established the advisory committee and stipulates each town council member make an appointment. Appointments should be serving staggered terms.

The mayor also makes two appointments, for a two-year and a three-year term.

“All of those appointments had expired,” DelFino said, so he recently notified Town Clerk Vincent P. Baccari Jr. that the “process to replace” those members should begin.

Town Councilman Robert Civetti attempted to make his appointment to the board at the July 10 monthly Town Council meeting. Town Council President Robert V. Russo wasn’t at the meeting, but the other three members sat silently after Civetti named his appointment — Stephen Macchioni, a former member of Town Council.

“I nominated Stephen Macchioni for appointment to the Senior Center Board after speaking with Mr. Macchioni and Director Richard Delfino,” Civetti wrote via email following the meeting. “Mr. Macchioni is a long-time resident of the Town of Johnston and a former councilman. Mr. Macchioni has been active in the Town of Johnston and other local communities for years.”

Town Council members Linda Folcarelli, Lauren Garzone and Alfred T. Carnevale have not responded to multiple requests for comment. They all sat silently during the meeting; they gave no reason for their refusal to support Macchioni’s appointment. 

“I have had the pleasure of working with Mr. Macchioni in the Johnston Little League and I know that he would be an asset to the Board of the Johnston Senior Center,” Civetti said. “Director Delfino expressed that he looked forward to having the opportunity to work with Mr. Macchioni and appreciated my consideration of nominating Mr. Macchioni to that position.”

The mayor had also been silent on Macchioni’s nomination to the board.

Wednesday afternoon, Polisena responded to emailed requests for comment regarding Town Council’s failure to endorse his appointment.

“I can’t speak for the previous director, who I dismissed upon taking office,” Polisena replied. “The Town Council is currently in the process of appointing members to the board. The senior center will continue to run efficiently, as it has since Director Delfino took over.”

The rest of Town Council’s appointments are expected to appear on next month’s regular monthly meeting agenda.

“The board is strictly an advisory board,” DelFino said. “But since it is a board … established by ordinance, it’s required … It falls under the Open Meeting Laws.”

The pandemic possibly helped to evaporate the board, but the body has long been defunct.

“I don’t believe the board ever met during the COVID pandemic,” DelFino said. “Once (the) board is together, I will coordinate the meetings in conjunction with the town clerk.”

DelFino explained that doesn’t “need the board to function.”

“But I need the board to be an advocate in the community and provide ideas,” he said earlier this week. “The mayor appoints the senior center director, but we are like most senior centers in the state — nonprofit but we rely on municipal funds to survive.”

The Johnston Senior Center is a town-owned building.

“He should have a board,” Civetti said on Tuesday. “I think immediate action is necessary. There should be some governance over the center. You have a very competent director, but he needs a board for general oversight.”

Since the Town Council and mayor appoint the seven-member board, Civetti argues the town “has financial control to an extent.”

“Without having an audit done, without a board, who knows what shape its in?” Civetti asked.

Town Council members also considered each others’ appointments to the newly created Charter Review Committee.

Nominations by Folcarelli, Garzone and Carnevale all passed easily. Civetti voted for them. He seconded a few. One of Civetti’s nominations, Ronald Bianchi, was approved. But when it came time to make his second appointment, he was once again met by silence.

Civetti recommended local attorney Andrew Dimitri for appointment to the Charter Review Committee.

“As for attorney Andrew Dimitri, having a young attorney that's interested in the development of the community, be part of the (charter) review commission would have been a great asset to that committee. I would love to know why my colleagues rejected these two individuals.”

Civetti hoped Dimitri could “bring youth and his experience to the committee.”

“Attorney Dimitri has been a lifelong resident of the Town of Johnston and is interested in getting involved in the community,” Civetti wrote via email. “Andrew currently works in the family practice managed by his dad, Judge William Dimitri. The firm currently provides legal services  to municipal entities in the State of Rhode Island and I believe that his and the firm's experience would be of great help as the committee reviews the Town Charter provisions for Johnston.”

Folcarelli, Garzone and Carnevale were also silent on the Dimitri appointment. They would not second a motion on his appointment, so no vote was taken. The three did not respond to phone calls or emailed requests for comment.

“Getting some fresh ideas and exploiting the talents/expertise of our residents is something that can only help guide the Town of Johnston in the future,” Civetti said. “Once again I believe that Attorney Andrew Dimitri would have brought some terrific ideas and valuable input to the Charter Review Committee and am very disappointed that my colleagues would not allow (him) to join Ronald Bianchi in representing District 5 on the Charter Review Commission. Mr. Bianchi and Attorney Dimitri would have worked well together and been great representation for the residents in District 5.”

Polisena did not respond to requests for comment on Town Council’s failure to appoint Dimitri.


Senior Citizens Center Advisory Board

  • 18-1



The purpose of the Johnston Senior Citizens Center is to provide a concentrated network of services, resources and social and community contacts for individuals aged 55 and older and individuals with disabilities. The Senior Citizens Center shall provide such individuals with opportunities to participate in social and recreational activities, personal enrichment, and wellness programs.


Further, the Senior Citizens Center shall advocate for said individuals and provide information and referral services.

  • 18-2

Appointment; duties of Executive Director.


The Mayor shall appoint an Executive Director of the Johnston Senior Citizens Center with the advice and consent of the Town Council.


The Executive Director shall:


Direct and supervise all of the Senior Citizens Center's administrative, technical, and recreational activities;


Appoint the Assistant Director and all other necessary personnel with the advice and consent of the Mayor;


Be responsible for the management of the Senior Citizens Center and any and all ancillary activities reasonably related to the operation of the Senior Citizens Center; and


Advise the Mayor and the Town Council of the status of programs and activities ongoing at the Senior Citizens Center.

  • 18-3

Compensation and benefits.

The Executive Director, Assistant Director, and other Senior Citizens Center personnel shall not be considered employees of the Town of Johnston for purposes of receiving compensation and benefits.

  • 18-4

Senior Citizens Center Advisory Board.


Creation. There is hereby created the Senior Citizens Center Advisory Board (the "Board"). The Board shall consist of seven individuals. The Board shall have two members from the Town at large who shall be appointed by the Mayor. The other five members of the Board shall reside in each of the five Council districts and shall be appointed by the Town Council.




The terms of the members of the Board shall be as follows:


The member from District 1 shall serve a term of two years;


The member from District 2 shall serve a term of three years;


The member from District 3 shall serve a term of two years;


The member from District 4 shall serve a term of three years;


The member from District 5 shall serve a term of two years;


The Mayor's first appointment shall serve a term of three years; and


The Mayor's second appointment shall serve a term of two years.


Any member may be reappointed to serve up to three consecutive terms.


Each member may hold office until the expiration of the term to which the member has been appointed. In the event of any vacancy, the Town Council may fill the vacancy with an individual to serve the remainder of the unexpired term.


The Town Council may remove any member of the Board for misconduct, incompetency, neglect of duty or for any other sufficient cause in a manner which is consistent with the laws of the State of Rhode Island.




The Board shall have at least six regular meetings per year. Special meetings may be held as the bylaws, adopted by the Board, may provide. All meetings shall be subject to the so-called "Open Meetings Laws" of the State of Rhode Island.[1]


Editor's Note: See R.I.G.L. § 42-46-1 et seq.


Bylaws adopted by the Board shall provide that a quorum shall consist of at least four members.




The Board shall annually elect from among its members a Chair, a Vice Chair and a Secretary for the term of one year.


The Board shall assist the Executive Director in the operations of the Johnston Senior Citizens Center, shall study and recommend voluntary programs for senior citizens to protect themselves from going unnoticed in the event of a serious health problem, shall recommend programs for nutritional needs, shall recommend programs for social needs, and shall recommend such other programs as may, in the judgment of the Board, be necessary or helpful to senior citizens.


The Board shall submit quarterly reports to the Mayor with regard to the building, operations, and events ongoing at the Senior Citizens Center.


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