Johnston High Top 10 Students: #8 Vanessa Melgar


Ranked eighth in the Johnston High School Class of 2021, Vanessa Melgar, of Hillside Avenue, plans to attend the University of Rhode Island in the fall.

She plans to study Computer Science.

During her years at Johnston High, Melgar was the recipient of several awards at the school.

In tenth grade, she earned the Achievement in French Award. In the eleventh grade, she earned the AP Scholar with Honor Award, the University of Rhode Island Foundation and Alumni Engagement Book Award. And during her senior year, she won the Mayor and Town Council Scholarship.

“The start of my high school career will always be filled with the gratifying days I have spent with my family and friends,” Melgar said. “Despite this, my final tow years will likely be the most memorable. Seeing as the Covid-19 pandemic has taken such a tight hold over me, as it has on the entire world, I will never forget how someone’s life can be so greatly impacted in such a short period of time.”

A large group of supporters contributed to Melgar’s success and enjoyment of high school.

“The pandemic has managed to fill my days with anxiety and fear,” she said. “However, through the help of my teachers and loved ones, I was able to make it through these difficult times. My mother and father, especially, have done so much to support me over these four years. Their ability to adapt and fight through this pandemic has inspired me to work harder than ever. My family and friends have done so much to help me succeed and take pride in where I am today.”

Melgar found motivation to succeed when she looked toward the future.

“My primary motivation to maintain high grades in school comes from my desire to attend university without the financial burdens that come along with obtaining a college degree,” she said. “My strive for excellence has also allowed me to successfully complete this portion of my life with a sense of fulfillment. My new goal leaving high school is to work towards a respectable career in which I will be able to focus on helping the people around me.”


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