Johnston High Top 10 Students: #10 Olaitan (Lala) Olagundoye


Ranked tenth in the Johnston High School Class of 2021, Olaitan (Lala) Olagundoye, of George Waterman Road, plans to attend Quinnipiac University in the fall.

She plans to earn a dual-degree Bachelor of Science in health Science, and a Doctorate in Physical Therapy.

During her years at the school, Olagundoye was a member of many organizations and participated in a long list of school activities.

She served as captain of the Indoor and Outdoor Track and Field Teams. She also served as captain of the Girls Soccer Team and the Mock Trial team.

Olagundoye served on Student Council. She was a member of Students Against Destructive Decisions (SADD) and Above the Influence, and World Cultures.

She also ran Cross Country.

During her years at Johnston High School, Olagundoye won many awards and honors.

She won the Civic Leadership Award in 2020.

She also earned distinctive athletic honors, including the Rhode Island Girls Track and Field First Team All-State in Long Jump and High Jump (2021), State Champion in High Jump (2019-2021), State Champion in Long Jump (2021), Rhode Island Track and Field Coaches Award and All-Academic Award (2021), Providence Journal Female Honoree for Indoor Track and Field (2021), RIIL Athlete of the Year Finalist (2021) and the RIIL Student-Athlete Athletic Achievement Award (2021).

“In becoming a member of many extra curricular activities, I realized my love for helping others and for making people smile,” Olagundoye said. “Being a part of a team or a club really accentuated my high school experience and it introduced me to many new people who quickly became my friends … The ability to build connections and develop new relationships with the people around me is one of the most rewarding aspects of me going to school daily.”

Olagundoye will cherish many high school memories.

“When I think about instances that may make me ‘come alive,’ physical activity, such as playing sports with my team, come to mind,” she said. “But when physical activity becomes integrated into helping other people do the things they love, that is when I truly come to life. There’s just something about seeing peoples’ faces light up when they can finally do something they so longed to do, that always manages to put a smile on my face and prompts me to continue to help people in any way I can. I believe that I have the characteristics of an exemplary leader, with the ability to have a positive influence on others around me. With this, I intend on paying the opportunities that I have been given forward, in acting as a leader and contributing my support to those in need of guidance.”

A large group of supporters contributed to Olagundoye’s success and enjoyment of high school.

“My sisters, Tolani, Jummy, Tobi and Josephine,” Olagundoye said. “My parents, Richard and Benedicta. Mr. DiMaio, my advisor, coach and teacher. Mr. Russo, my teacher, advisor and friend. Mrs. Fagundes, my coach, who encouraged me to be the best student athlete I could be. Mr. Saravo, freshman year biology teacher who sparked my interest in the study of life and encourages me daily.”

Olagundoye looked to her family for motivations as she excelled in high school.

“My family’s history and the determination of my parents, especially that of my mother, have really contribute to my ethics and my moral decency,” she said. “I am now living in this ‘American Dream’ that my parents dreamed of, and achieved. Witnessing my parents struggle and sacrifice to provide a good life for my four sisters and I, I vowed myself that I too would work hard to be the best me I could be, while spreading love and kindness to others. It is my goal to make my parents proud and to show them that their strenuous efforts are being paid off through my success!”


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