Q&A: Johnston candidates for RI District 42 State Representative


Incumbent State Rep. Edward T. Cardillo, Jr. D - District 42 (Cranston, Johnston), a Democrat, will face  Republican Harold K. Borders. The Johnston Sun Rise reached out to both candidates. Borders did not submit answers to the questionnaire.

Edward Cardillo Jr.

"Two years ago I had the honor of being elected to represent the people of District 42. I felt running for office was my way of giving back to the community. I have lived in the district all my life, raising a family here and sending my children to public schools. The issues that matter to my family are the same ones that matter to yours, including safe streets, a reasonable cost of living, taxes and good public schools.

I am a moderate Democrat who rejects extremism and will stand up to special interest groups. I support local small businesses and oppose subsidies for giant corporations. I am an independent voice who has opposed his own party to support law enforcement and lower taxes.

I am asking for your vote on Election Day, Tuesday, Nov. 8, so I can continue to fight for the things that affect both your family and mine."

  1. Now that a federal judge has ruled truck tolls unconstitutional as a means of financing bridge and road repairs, what would you do?
    "Tolls should be done away with and what we get from the gas tax can be used to supplement this. Also, I would never put a toll on cars."
  2. Do you think the state’s gun laws go far enough and if not, what would you favor?
    "Yes, Rhode Island has some of the most strict gun laws in the country."
  3. Do you plan to introduce or support legislation that would be specifically beneficial to Johnston and what would that be?
    "Since Johnston is the host community of the landfill, I would appoint another Johnston resident to the board of R.I.R.C.C. to give Johnston residents a strong voice."
  4. Do you favor term limits for state legislators?
    "No, I don’t believe it matters to the average voter."
  5. Is Rhode Island heading in the right direction and why?
    "No, there is work to be done. Rhode Island ranked 40th out of the 50 states on the 2022 Business Tax Climate Index. This is a pro-business organization based in D.C. Also, schools are run down and education scores continue to drop. We need to ensure our children are getting the best education possible."

  6. What more can we do to provide for affordable housing?
    "There needs to be a plan so every city and town can share the responsibility to help the homeless."

  7. Do you think the Act on Climate calling for 100 percent renewable energy by 2033 is realistic?
    "Research has shown it is possible to get energy from renewable resources. However, I feel this should be an even longer term goal. There are various factors that could affect the timeline of this, including finances and infrastructure."


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