First-ever Science Fair at Stone Hill

Posted 3/16/16

The sixth-grade students at Stone Hill Elementary School presented the results of their findings on a wide variety of independently run tests and experiments at the first-ever school Science Fair, …

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First-ever Science Fair at Stone Hill


The sixth-grade students at Stone Hill Elementary School presented the results of their findings on a wide variety of independently run tests and experiments at the first-ever school Science Fair, which was held on March 4 in the all purpose room.

Each student presented their topic, hypothesis, materials, procedure, and results on a tri-fold science fair board to family, friends, and the school community. The second-grade students in both Julie Manzi’s and Margie Hurley’s classes arrived at the Science Fair with clipboards, pencils, and questions about topic, process, and procedure for each student they visited.

The sixth-graders had a number of weeks to come up with a question, research it, work on their projects, and then analyze and document their results, which also allowed ample time for their experiments to play out.

Text and photos by Jen Cowart


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