DeGiulio’s Insurance wins Warwick North Majors

Posted 6/27/24

The DeGiulio’s Insurance team topped 401 Paint & Construction 6-2 to win the Warwick North Majors championship on Monday at the pit.

After losing in the title game last season, …

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DeGiulio’s Insurance wins Warwick North Majors


The DeGiulio’s Insurance team topped 401 Paint & Construction 6-2 to win the Warwick North Majors championship on Monday at the pit.

After losing in the title game last season, DeGiulio’s was determined to take a step forward this time around and did just that, rolling throughout the postseason and eventually getting the job done.

Strong pitching and fielding was key in the team’s championship run this season, according to manager Eric Shields.

“It was really, really cool to see the progression. I told the kids at the beginning of the season that there is a Little League equation to winning games. It’s the pitcher needs to pitch strikes, the other team will hit the ball, and we have to make the plays in the field. That turned into a win just about every time we did that. I wasn’t worried about hitting, we knew we would get good hitting,” said Shields.

DeGiulio’s began its postseason run by beating last year’s champ Crusty’s Pizza in a 10-4 battle to set up the championship match. Getting some revenge helped set the tone for the playoffs.

“That first win in the playoffs was really positive. The kids fed off that and we didn’t have to look back,” said Shields.

The team’s pitching staff was sharp in the title game, as 12-year-old starter Eli Shields pitched four complete innings while 10-year-old reliever Levi Narcavage came up big in the final two. The team also erased an early 2-1 deficit as the bats rolled in the late innings to run away with the victory.

The DeGiulio’s roster was young this season with only three 12 year olds in the dugout. Shields emphasized the importance of their leadership throughout the season and was proud to see them rebound and take home the crown.

“Everybody did their job. I looked toward the older players to bring the team up, the younger kids are the ones that need the encouragement. I told them, ‘this is your team now,’ and we had a great season. They were absolutely ecstatic to win it this year,” Shields said.

Members of the DeGiulio’s Insurance championship team included: Eli Shields, Levi Narcavage, JD Barrett, Gavin Murphy, Matthew Abad, Sal Pellerano, Jasson Vargas, Mason Hemond, Nathan Vargas Cepin, Bryce Sorrentino, Ryan Riggi and Jason “Bean” Bacani-Cordeiro.

North, baseball


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