Are you in need of some spring joy?


Sometimes, you just have to look up!

There are two supermoons this spring. A supermoon is a special phenomenon that happens when a full moon coincides with the day that the moon is at its closest distance from the Earth. This makes it appear larger and brighter than ever!

Although the first full moon is known as the pink moon, don’t expect it to look particularly pink! It will occur on April 26-27, a little before midnight. It’s named after pink flowers called wild ground phlox, which bloom in early spring and appear throughout the United States and Canada.

The second supermoon will happen on May 26 but this time at 6:45 in the morning. This supermoon is called the Flower Moon. No wonder, we all know April showers bring May flowers!

Since this pandemic came, I’ve been learning to enjoy the simple things. Stargazing is one of my new pleasures.

There are some great apps available your phone, for free. It’s fun to name the stars and planets and constellations. My favorite is Star Walk. It even has a search window so you can look up and find anything your little heart desires.

With a new awareness of things around me, I see things that I’ve taken for granted – birds gathering around my birdfeeders, bunnies dashing across my yard. So look up or down, and enjoy the simple pleasures that we are blessed to have.

spring, joy


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