After report, town reviews councilwoman’s tax exemption


A Town Council member’s eligibility for the Homestead Exemption is under review after a recent media report revealed her children attend school in Narragansett and her husband claims a property in that community as his primary residence.

Johnston Town Council Vice President Stephanie Manzi, who represents District 5, has come under scrutiny after the release of a March 24 Hummel Report story.

In the video, investigative reporter Jim Hummel describes tracking the movements of Manzi and her three children, including early-morning drives from the family’s Johnston home to Narragansett High School. The children have reportedly been enrolled there since 2014.

According to Hummel’s investigation, Manzi – who as of Wednesday had not responded to messages from the Sun Rise seeking comment – was found driving with her children to Narragansett from Johnston on a regular basis, and the children spent very little time living in the beachside community.

The report indicates Manzi’s husband, Paul, claims a cottage in Narragansett as his primary residence, and uses that address to send the children to Narragansett. Under state law, children may only be enroll in the school district in which they, or one of their parents, live.

When questioned by Hummel, Manzi stated she and her husband – from whom she is not separated – purchased the cottage close to the water in Narragansett in 2012. The couple also owns a 3,200-square-foot home in Johnston, which the councilwoman uses as her primary address.

Manzi told Hummel her children wanted to go to a smaller school, and made a family decision that Narragansett was “the right fit for my children.” She maintained her children live primarily in Narragansett, saying: “It’s a small state, they do come back and see me. That’s the nice thing about living in a small state.”

Manzi also spoke of situations involving other elected officials in Johnston in which their children were treated “poorly because of the decisions they make and they vote on.”

In October 2015, in an effort to curtail improper school enrollments, the Johnston Town Council passed an ordinance regarding the town’s Homestead Exemption, which allows homeowners to pay taxes on 80 percent of their property’s value rather than the full amount – provided they live in, rather than rent, their home.

The ordinance, which was brought forward by Mayor Joseph Polisena, targeted property owners who allowed children from another city or town to enroll into the Johnston school system using a false address. It created a re-certification process for the exemption for the first time since it was adopted in 2007, requiring property owners to fill out a form and provide proof of residence. Manzi was a supporter of the measure.

Hummel’s story points to a form Manzi signed to re-certify her Homestead Exemption, which indicates neither she nor her husband claim another property as their full-time residence.

Polisena said when informed of the situation, he began an investigation.

“It’s always been the administration’s policy to review the validity of any Homestead Exemption if there’s questionable circumstances that are brought to our attention, which Jim Hummel did,” Polisena told the Sun Rise. “Now that he’s provided me with the information, my legal department is reviewing it. If it’s determined that the councilwoman is not entitled to [the Homestead Exemption], then obviously we’ll go through with what the policy is. The rules of the Homestead Exemption apply to Councilwoman Manzi and all the other four council members, the same way they would be applied to any other taxpayer in the town. There are no double standards here and no exceptions.”

In a follow-up call Wednesday, Polisena said a determination has yet to be made.

The Narragansett school district is also investigating the matter.


3 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • Soxx35

    I highly doubt she has her kids live in a 700 sqft cottage during the school year with her husband. (The house info was taken from public records) There is nothing wrong with having your kids get a good education but don't screw over the tax payer whom you are a town council Vice President of. There are plenty of small private schools the children could have gone to. In that case she would have been honest with the homestead act. Not try to be a typical sneaky politician. Lost my vote.

    Thursday, March 31, 2016 Report this

  • ManziResignNow

    Good point Soxx35. The tax records show the Narragansett Beach Cottage is only one bedroom. So we have three teenage kids (not all of the same sex) living in a one bedroom 700 sq ft cottage along with at least one adult. Is there heat in the cottage? Have the Manzis put up walls without permits to create other bedrooms? Is there food in the frig? Clothes in the bureaus? Is this adequate housing for the children? Maybe DCYF should investigate..

    Also, Paul Manzi voted in the Sept 2014 primary and Nov 2014 general election in Johnston while a resident of Narragansett. Voter Fraud? Where is the state police?

    Additionally, she signed the homestead form (just like I did) saying her husband was not a resident elsewhere. She had an obligation before signing the form under oath to ask her husband if he declared a residency elsewhere and she put he did not. The investigation proved otherwise. Voting registration, LLC and using Johnston as his work address. Isn't this filing a false document with a gov't agency? See RI General Laws 11-18-1. She should be charged. Again where is the State Police?

    The Councilwoman's best friend is a School committee member, Gena Bianco. She also works with Manzi at Roger Williams. They also walked the district together last election, knocking on doors. You mean to tell me Bianco knew nothing about Manzi's kids going to Narragansett?? As a school committee member she has an obligation or at least a moral one, to notify authorities of this fraud. She has to go as well!!

    Why is Stephaine Manzi hiding? I urge all residents of Johnston to call Councilwoman Manzi and tell her to resign NOW!!!

    Friday, April 1, 2016 Report this

  • Educator1

    I urge all residents to show up at the Town Meeting on Monday 4/11 to see how the situation is handled for the fraud that was committed and also urge people to ask for her resignation,I think all the residents of Johnston especially the district she represents to have someone honest represent them.. This was not an honest mistake,it was fraud and an attempt to defraud the taxpayers of this town on the homestead exemption she has claimed ,and to also bilk a school department out of money..Why not send her children to Prout, Lasalle, or Hendricken ?? She took 3 Johnston residents (not to take this out on the children,the parents were well aware of what they were doing,I am sure they are wonderful kids) and sent them to a school in Narragansett,while advocating against the same behaviors with our wonderful mayor in our town some time back in 2015... These are not the behaviors of someone we want representing our Town . I think she should be very proud of the School in the Town she represents !!!

    Friday, April 8, 2016 Report this