Where has our pride gone?


To the Editor:

Lately I have been feeling kind of down. I thought it might have been the weather. Some days hot and dry some days wet and cold. Then the other day when driving down Airport Road and Post Road, I suddenly realized the reason for my depression.

As I drove by T.F. Green International Airport and witnessed the vacant, desolated, badly maintained property, it hit me. Recently our leaders in this state spent time and probably money to change the name of the airport to add “International.” Maybe that time and money should have been invested in bringing the physical appearance around our Airport to at least presentable.

Where has the pride gone of our Warwick city leaders, state leaders, and RIAC to allow visitors to our city and state as they arrive to see what to me is inner-city blight around our airport? Isn’t it always better to present a product in the best light possible? Yes, T.F. Green International Airport is a product and should be a shining example of our city and state both in service and appearance.

I have found temporary relief to my depression by using alternative routes to avoid Airport Road and Post Road until that area is improved. More miles, less depression.

So again I ask the question, where has our pride gone?

Philip D’Ercole Sr.


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