THE SMALLEST: Gian’s Treasures in Johnston offers a bit of everything


Drive down George Waterman Road any day of the week, and you’ll likely catch a glimpse of Gian Souza outside his store, Gian’s Treasures.

If you’ve walked inside, you know the inventory will be a surprise; the shelves stocked with new items each day.

If you’ve asked the price of an item, you’ll find it’s usually less than you expected, and haggling is welcome.

Souza has been running a small antique and second-hand shop at the same location for the past seven years.

Split in two, one half of the store features mostly new and used goods; tools, DVDs, toys, electronics and collectibles.

The other half, run by Souza’s niece Kim Tillinghast, features mostly antiques and oddities.

“My half is everything, soup to nuts,” Souza said, seated at his desk. “Her half is mostly antiques and odd stuff.”

Souza’s buddy Steven Martone helps him manage the store.

Together, Souza, Martone and Tillinghast run a unique operation, unlike any other in town, or the rest of the Ocean State.

  • Business Name: Gian’s Treasure
  • Owner’s Name: Gian Souza
  • Business Address: 95 George Waterman Road
  • Length of Operation: 7 years
  • Hours: 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., 7 days a week
  • Business Phone Number: 401-439-2898
  • Business Description: Unique retail operation. Buying and selling “everything, soup to nuts.”
  • Owner’s Address: 23 Golini Drive, Johnston
  • Entrepreneur’s Quote: “All prices are cheap and negotiable!”

EDITOR’S NOTE: This is the first installment of an ongoing series focusing on Johnston’s smallest businesses. “The Smallest” will profile proprietors with few or no employees, how they make a buck, the challenges they face, and why they decided to start their own business in Johnston. If you know a business owner who deserves a profile, or would like to see a story about your business, please contact Johnston Sun Rise Editor Rory Schuler at


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