Jan. 11, Open Forum “Remembering the 1950’s” will be presented by the Hope Historical Society at 2 p.m. The meeting will be held at the Howland Barn, 35 Ryefield Road, Hope. Open Forum is an interactive meeting where members and attendees become a living history by sharing memorabilia, artifacts, pictures, stories, etc. related to the program topic.
PSA Free Gun Locks at Cranston Public Library
Secure storage of weapons is now the law in Rhode Island. A Free Gun Lock and Securing Weapons Safely information is available at the Reference Desk at the Central Library, 140 Sockanosset Cross Rd., Cranston. Stop by for a free gun lock and literature on how to securely store weapons. Doing so will save lives and make our communities safer. Residents from all RI communities are welcome. This event is not endorsed by or affiliated with the Cranston Public Library.
Help OSDRI restock their pantry!
Operation Stand Down Rhode Island needs your help. Their food pantry needs a major restocking. Like many people, OSDRI’s clients have been faced with some real obstacles these past couple of years. With your help, they pledge to always be there to give a hand up for veterans and their families in need. Items can be dropped off Monday through Friday, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., at OSDRI’s main office, 1010 Hartford Ave., Johnston. If you have any questions or would like more information, call the OSDRI office at 401-383-4730.
Soul of ‘71 Scholarship Fund
The Johnston High School Class of 1971 established The Soul of 1971 Scholarship at The Rhode Island Foundation. The current balance is $27, 035.92. The class has already awarded three scholarships to JHS seniors. The Class of ‘71 is the first class in the history of the Johnston School System to establish a scholarship fund which will last forever. For additional information, contact Harold J. Hemberger Fund Chairman at hembergerharold@gmail.com All funds on deposit are managed by The Rhode Island Foundation.
NAMI-RI Offers Family Support Groups
The RI chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI-RI) offers free support groups for families and friends of loved ones who are struggling with their mental health. The groups are led by trained facilitators who also have lived experience as family members themselves. The group meetings last about 1.5 hours, and everyone who participates in the meeting gets a chance to share. The other members of the group try to offer help and resources, when appropriate, based on their own experiences. More information and full schedule can be found at namirhodeisland.org. or call 401-331-3060. No pre-registration for these monthly groups is necessary.
First Thursday at 6 p.m. IN PERSON ONLY at the Rochambeau Library in the Community Room, Rochambeau Library, 708 Hope Street, Providence (NEW-starts Aug.)
Second Tues. at 5 p.m. IN PERSON ONLY at the Middletown Public Library in the Community Room. Middletown Library, 700 West Main Road, Middletown.
Third Tues. at 6:30 p.m. MEETS VIA ZOOM ONLY Please call 401-331-3060 or email info@namirhodeisland.org for the Zoom link
Fourth Wed. at 6 p.m. IN PERSON ONLY at the Hope Valley Grange, #71116 Main Street, Hope Valley.
Volunteer with NAMI-RI
The RI chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI-RI) is currently seeking volunteers to facilitate our family programs in 2024. Free training is required and available for interested persons who have a loved one struggling with mental health issues. Together with our grassroots volunteers, we work every day to provide help and hope to millions of Americans. Volunteers are essential to the work that we do at NAMI Rhode Island, and we are always seeking enthusiastic people to help us achieve our mission. For more information about our family programs and volunteer training, email beth@namirhodeisland.org, call the NAMI-RI office 401-331-3060 or visit our website at namirhodeisland.org.
Editor’s Note: To submit your news to Scoops, send information and photos to Ashley at ashleym@beaconmediari.com by Friday at 3 p.m. to appear in the following week’s edition. Items can include community and school event announcements and calls for volunteers. Submissions may be edited for space and are not guaranteed to run. To guarantee space, please call 401-732-3100 and ask to place an advertisement.
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