St. Rocco welcoming special new faculty members


The community at St. Rocco School and St. Rocco Church is excitedly awaiting the arrival of the newest members of their family.

Three members of the religious Sisters of The Daughters of Our Lady of the Garden will be arriving over the summer to their newest assignments within the school and parish.

“This is a great opportunity for us. We are growing and expanding as a school and as a parish, and many of our members and school alumni remember when there were Sisters here years ago, and they’re excited that were continuing that tradition,” said Father Angelo Carusi.

The three new arrivals – Sister Donna Beauregard, Sister Mary-Antoinette Capelli and Sister Daisy Kollamparampil – are currently finishing up their current assignment in Brooklyn, N.Y., and will be heading to Rhode Island next. All are certified teachers, and they will be residing in the convent across the street from St. Rocco, which is currently being renovated in anticipation of their arrival.

None of the three have ever worked for the Diocese of Providence before, and according to Carusi, they are excited for this new partnership as well.

The Sisters, who will dress in their traditional habits, have already come to visit and tour the school, but have yet to officially meet the members of the St. Rocco community.

“Everyone is getting excited, as they can see the work taking place across the street,” said Principal Lorraine Moschella. “The parents and students are very excited about the chance to meet them this summer. They’ll be present at our Meet and Greet BBQ in August.”

That event will take place on Thursday, Aug. 6, at 5 p.m. under the St. Rocco Church Feast tent.

“What impressed me most upon meeting them is their cheerfulness, their devotion to our Blessed Mother, and how much they love the work they’re doing. They’re very good at it,” said Carusi, who believes that this exciting new relationship is nothing short of divine intervention.

“This was definitely the work of the Holy Spirit. I happened to be in the right place at the right time. The parishes I’ve worked in have always had schools, but have never had Sisters. I was interested in bringing Sisters back into our school, and I actually looked into bringing back the order of Sisters who were originally here at St. Rocco’s, but that wasn’t possible,” said Carusi. “It just so happened that I spoke to someone who knew that this group in Brooklyn was finishing up their assignment and looking for a new place to go. Had I waited any longer or asked any sooner, I probably would’ve missed this opportunity.”

Both Moschella and Carusi agree that the Sisters’ arrival will only serve to further enhance the special community at St. Rocco, and noted that the women will be integrated into all aspects of the community including teaching, Mass participation, devotions, outreach programs, the annual Feast and Festival of St. Rocco, and many other ongoing parish social functions throughout the year.

“The church has been here for 100 years and the school for 50. This will only expand the great work that we do,” Carusi said.


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  • jtaxassoc

    As a Johnston Mayoral Candidate in this years election I will fight for school vouchers. If there was ever a time to get God back into our lives, especially young people, it is now, Republican Peter A. Filippi III

    Monday, June 23, 2014 Report this