Quilting Club delivers warmth along with love


Quilts made with love and care will provide some extra warmth to families working through some troubled times this holiday season.

The “Giving Quilt Club” of the Johnston Senior Center has been busy working all year on a project that annually supports the Children’s Friend, Caring Dads Program.

Founded in Providence in 1834 as a home for abandoned and abused children, Children’s Friend is now a statewide comprehensive agency working to advocate for and assist children with a variety of needs and challenges.

Its Caring Dads program focuses on helping men build positive relationships with their children, particularly dads with a history of relationship challenges.

According to Richard J. DelFino Jr., executive director of the Senior Center, the Caring Dads program works with the Rhode Island Family Court and the state Department of Children, Youth, and Families (DCYF) to identify families and dads who are rehabilitating from abusive behaviors. 

Participants at the senior center work to create unique, individual quilts — each with special decorations that will be meaningful to specific children.  The quilting club also donates to the Holy Family Home for Mothers and Children in Providence.

In its mission statement, Children’s Friend states, “In everything we do, our expertise is passionately focused on elevating, empowering, and strengthening children and families — and preparing them to succeed in all facets of life.

“Our mission is to be the innovative leader in improving the well-being and healthy development of Rhode Island’s most vulnerable young children.”


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