LETTER: ‘One thing was very clear: Kelsey loves Johnston’


To the editor,

My name is Ben Branchaud. I am Kelsey Coletta’s campaign manager in her race for State Representative, and I would like to do something unusual today in the hallowed pages of the Johnston SunRise; I want to write about this campaign from my perspective.

I spent many days and long nights in Johnston this summer and fall. I spent most of that time walking around your charming neighborhoods and at Kelsey’s kitchen table, but I also spent time at your churches on Sunday and discovering some of my new favorite places like Latte Love, Classic Express and Bishop Hill Tavern. Johnston has been a welcoming host, and I want to start this letter by thanking the residents and business owners in Johnston for their hospitality. I have family in Johnston, but I didn’t really get to know the town until this campaign, and I am glad I did.

From the first day I canvassed with Kelsey, one thing was very clear: Kelsey loves Johnston. I remember telling her that she should really consider becoming a real estate agent, because she talks about Johnston in a way that would make anyone want to live here.

But it was only after a few voters answered their doors and talked with Kelsey that I learned what she loves most about Johnston - the people here.

People in Johnston don’t just open up their doors; they open up their homes. I have been welcomed into more voters’ living rooms on this campaign than any I have ever worked on. I spent nearly an hour in one voter’s living room, listening while he and Kelsey compared notes on flood mitigation. I was treated to a beautiful impromptu piano concert in the living room of a singer/songwriter in the district. Those were, of course, memorable to me - but everything seems memorable to Kelsey. Often, we will be walking up to a voter’s door and Kelsey will say something like “last time I was here, he had just picked up his dog from the vet” or “this person has the cutest dog” or “this person is a retired teacher and has a lot of ideas about career and technical education” (see, it wasn’t always dog-related). Kelsey really listens; she cares, and she remembers every issue every voter presents to her. These are qualities we need in a State Representative.

I think Kelsey’s second-favorite thing about Johnston is that there is much to be done here, and that it’s all possible. Atwood Avenue doesn’t have to flood every time it rains for more than ten minutes. Johnston schools shouldn’t have to lay off 12% of their staff in one year. Prescription drugs and going to the doctor shouldn’t cost what they do. Johnston small businesses shouldn’t be closing down one by one. Kelsey sees these problems as policy failures because they are policy failures. They are all problems that a State Representative can address, and I wouldn’t trust anyone but Kelsey Coletta to get the job done.

I have spent enough time with Kelsey to confidently say that she wants the job of State Representative for all of the right reasons, and she wants to work hard for you. I am proud to stand behind her, and I hope that the residents of District 42 will too and elect Kelsey Coletta on November 5th.

Benjamin Branchaud, of Warwick

EDITOR’S NOTE: This letter was submitted after the print deadline for this week’s edition of the Johnston SunRise and Cranston Herald. According to Beacon Media election policy, next week’s editions, the week prior to the Nov. 5 General Election will not contain election content, to ensure fairness and parity. This letter appears online only.


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