Johnston Market Basket finally set to open on Aug. 20


Johnston residents have been waiting for the new grocery store in town to open its doors.

The company announced Thursday morning that a date has finally been set.

“We have been granted our certificate of occupancy permit,” said Market Basket Operations Manager David K. McLean. “We are looking at a grand opening date of Friday, Aug. 20. Friday, Aug. 20 is a go!”

The store’s parent company has been working hard to secure required business permits.

On Thursday morning, Aug. 12, members of the Johnston Planning Board toured the site and gave their blessing to the operation.

“It was a matter of confirming; checking off,” McLean said. “They said we are good to go. Outstanding.”

Following the Johnston Planning Board’s final walk-through of the store, a certificate of occupancy has officially been granted, McLean explained.

McLean and the new store’s manager, Kevin Perno, appeared before Town Council Tuesday night to secure business operating, restaurant and tobacco licenses.

After unanimously voting to grant the company most of the licenses they need to do business in Johnston, Town Council President Robert Russo asked Perno and McLean when the store would open.

Perno answered, “As soon as we get the occupancy certificate.” Two days later, the certificate was granted.

Meanwhile, new Market Basket employees have been training at the Warwick store.

Workers have been stocking the no-longer empty shelves with non-perishable goods.

“The town of Johnston has been super to work with,” McLean said. “I just hope when everyone comes to visit Market Basket it’s well beyond their expectations.”

The store will open to town officials for an exclusive tour on Thursday, Aug. 19, and then the registers will be open to the public on Friday, Aug. 20.

Perno dropped an invitation to Town Council members when he addressed them Tuesday night.

Seven rows of brand new shopping carts await the store’s first shoppers. More than 18 registers will be fully manned, lit and ready for commerce.

Last week, Market Basket owned and operated 85 stores in New England. Next week, with the opening of the Johnston location, the company welcomes Store No. 86.


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  • aursillo401

    We all 'await" the opening of another business in Johnston..!!!...What a wonderful town...I will be "there"....

    Thursday, August 12, 2021 Report this