For best results...slow down!


This saying is true in lots of circumstances.  Certainly, it’s best when you are driving, starting a new relationship, or deciding on a big purchase.  It’s also true for gardening.  I know that I get so excited about decorating my yard and putting in my vegetable garden that I can’t wait for that first sunny, warm day.  I found that by doing it in steps helps me feel less overwhelmed.

Who hasn’t gone to a garden center and left with way too much stuff?  Bringing home things that are ready to plant before you’ve done some simple steps can lead to plants getting leggy and languishing in the sun.  Here are some easy steps that will make your gardening enjoyable and save you some money!   Start watching the store flyers.  Buy mulch and things you know you will need when they are on sale. Now’s the time to make sure you have some leaf bags or barrels to fill. Buy some new gardening gloves.

Then take a walk around your property.  Pick up any debris that has blown around your yard.  Take a small rake and clean out around your perennials. Pull off any dead leaves.  If you have perennials that are too big, late spring and early summer is a good time to split them.  It’s cool and damp so the damage to the roots will be less.  Then cut back any ornamental grass.  It allows the new grass to come up. Then do some serious weeding.  It’s far easier to weed before the weeds take on a life of their own!

If you come across a plant that you don’t recognize there’s a great app called Picture This.  You simply take a picture of the plant, and it will tell you what it is.  It gives you lots of information about the plant.  If you decide to keep it, you can add it to your garden through the app. Buy some hardy annuals.  Tuck them into spots that were early spring blooms, such as daffodils and tulips to cover up the dying leaves and flowers. 

If you have a vegetable garden, turn it over and add some organic matter, such as compost or manure.  Then start planning.  If a particular plant or crop didn’t do well, think about moving it to a different location.   Rake up any bare spots in your lawn and plant some seeds.  If you use a step program, apply the step for early spring.  Find all you planting pots and rinse them out.  Make sure all your garden tools are in good working order.  You can run sandpaper over blades and put a little WD-40 on hinges, wheels and moving parts.  Gardening season in our area usually starts around April 16th and lasts until October 22nd. That gives you 189 days of growing time. If you soil is over 60 degrees, you can plant seeds such as broccoli, cauliflower, and cabbage.  For plants that you purchase already started like, tomatoes, peppers, and eggplant, keep an eye of your local weather forecast. As soon as there is no sign of frost, you can put them in.  It only takes 100 days from planting to harvest for most plants, so don’t rush this step.  Depending on the size of your yard these steps will take a while.

Slow down, enjoy the birds chirping and get ready for a beautiful garden and lawn!


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