Mind reading skills?


To the Editor:

In response to Barry H. Nordin’s grueling question, “Who will stop Trump?” the answer appears to be “Trump will stop Trump.” Since Mr. Nordin assumed that I would be voting for Trump, he should always remember what assuming can do to a person.

But since he did not have the courage to ask me face-to-face I will answer him in the style he seems used to. I would vote for neither if given a choice. One is a criminal and one is a pompous ass.

America needs a president who will bring the nation back from the depths of insolvency and degradation. Neither of these two sycophants have the ability or the will to do this.

We have had eight years of indecision and total ineptness, and neither of these two have the strength or courage to change these imbecilic policies of the past eight years.

In closing, Mr. Nordin, perhaps the next time you assume what another person is planning to do, remember that apparently your mind reading skills need some improvement and you will keep those thoughts to yourself.

John Cervone

North Providence


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