Tired of ‘take back country’ refrain


To the Editor:

I’m more than a little annoyed at this constant refrain from right-wing advocates about “taking back our country.” You lost an election, not a revolution. You had control of the government for eight years under Bush, but we never heard you complain that he was destroying our country. This despite the fact that he ran the economy into the ground (or even lower), started two wars, allowed terrorists to level two iconic New York skyscrapers, and provoked legislation that makes us one of the biggest police states in the world. 

Republicans have tried for six years to find a scandal with legs to vilify Obama, but none has been found, although you’d never know that from their constant rhetoric. They’ve spent all their time vainly attempting to abolish Obamacare instead of solving more pressing issues, like immigration, the VA problem and jobs. They promised at the beginning of the president’s first term to have a jobs bill for him, but if they ever delivered it I must have missed it. The Senate sent the House an immigration bill over a year ago, but the House has refused to vote on it – yet they castigate Obama when he tries to do what he can to resolve the problem. And even as they prepare to take a “well-deserved” six-week break, the VA problem is unresolved and almost certain to remain that way until at least September. This Republican Congress has passed fewer bills than any Congress in the history of the U.S. and, while some may think that admirable, there are items that need immediate attention but did not and will not get it this year. 

But perhaps the thing that most annoys me about “taking back our country” is that the adherents seem to think that they, and only they, are true patriots. That only they are capable of knowing what is best for us all. Of course, their policies mean no abortions, limiting women’s rights, not raising the minimum wage, voting only by a privileged few, no foreigners allowed (other than their parents), the right to possess any and all weapons and carry them anywhere anytime, and tax breaks for the rich and corporations at the expense of the indigent.

So, go ahead. Try to take back “your country.” I just don’t think I’d like to live there.

Barry Nordin



8 comments on this item Please log in to comment by clicking here

  • davebarry109

    No scandals with legs Barry? The NSA is spying on all of us.....the IRS is being used as an arm of the democratic party.....a US ambassador was executed in Lybia....the entire middle east is engulfed in war, soon to be coming to America. The justice department is targeting the president's political foes like a third world dictatorship....the list is endless but Barry is so left of center he, like so many others of his ilk, will not admit this president is a huge failure.

    Thursday, July 31, 2014 Report this

  • davebarry109

    Oh, and I forget...we find out today that the CIA spied on the Senate, hacking into their computers. A direct attack on the separation of powers. Also against the law, since the CIA is forbidden from acting on US soil.

    Thursday, July 31, 2014 Report this

  • JohnStark

    Mr. Nordin-You are correct. You missed it. 36 jobs and jobs-related bills have come out of the House in the last five years. 29 of those died in the Senate. If you believe the country is going in the right direction on international relations, government dependence, immigration, jobs, energy, IRS, VA, justice dept., NLRB appointments, etc, etc then by all means continue to support this president. The rest of us will continue to, Yes, take our country back.

    Thursday, July 31, 2014 Report this

  • falina

    Barry, it scares me that people like you are allowed to vote.

    Thursday, July 31, 2014 Report this

  • InTheW

    This is one of the most asinine opinions that I have ever read on this site.

    Friday, August 1, 2014 Report this

  • bniedfeldt

    Mr Nordin's opening paragraph shows his understanding of the country. I will have to put him in the same crowd that G. Soros leads via his well funded propaganda machine. One thing that I find very disturbing, and that throws his comments into the wacko category is his "allowed terrorists to level two iconic New York skyscrapers". How can he make that statement with a straight face? If I go along with that then he must also allow that Obama "allowed an ambassador and 3 security people to be killed". So why no rant against Obama? Then he finishes with the blanket rhetoric "Of course, their policies mean ......". If you want to have a good dialog Mr. Nordin, which is what helps to make this country great, then you must be able to hear folks that want some of the same things you do but seem to not fit into your propaganda induced mindset. The world is many shades of gray, not the black and white you profess in your last paragraph. If you do not want to life here, than please go to Iran, Iraq, Egypt and see how great our country really is and why the silent majority is finally starting to become non-silent.

    Sunday, August 3, 2014 Report this

  • jtaxassoc

    Barry, I'm a "right wing conservative" in other words I believe in commonsense, common decency and understand the true meaning of patriotism etc. What I truly appreciate about you is your words remind us of the need to elect more conservatives to public office. Keep up the great work because Uncle Sam needs you, Peter A. Filippi III

    Saturday, August 9, 2014 Report this

  • Straightnnarrow

    The leftist elites have an agenda and Mr Nordin fits right into that agenda which is no borders for the USA, integration of South America into the USA- just use your ATM machine to see that, abortion on demand paid by the taxpayer, no death penalty except for right wing extremists, gradual erosion of the Bill of rights and the Constitution which is our sovereign King! and of course, redistribution of the wealth to the under-class and the establishment of lawlessness where anything is right as long as the "majority" approves. Regarding gun control, Hillery recently claimed that she would not tolerate the minority to govern the majority, but that is exactly what she and her elites continue to do to the customs and laws of this country. So Mr Nordin will not have to leave because the policies of the elite are going in his direction. Too bad!

    Saturday, August 9, 2014 Report this