Life Matters

Buy me something that tickles me


Lately, some of the things that I say reflect things my mom said decades ago. Meeting a woman the other day who was cheerful and bouncy, with a large white flower in her bright, red hair and a wide smile I told my son that she looked like a hot ticket. He looked at me like I was crazy. “She’s a WHAT?” he asked.

And so it is with the items on my Christmas list that I gave young adult children, most are economically disadvantaged, (ie poor, broke, don’t have a pot to piss in). I asked them to get me something that tickles me. For those unfamiliar with this description, what I am asking them to buy me is something that makes me giggle inside and smile on the outside.

My Christmas list this year includes:

• Socks with far out designs. (I work with children, sometimes on the floor with my shoes off. While my dress has to be “casual business”, my feet can be free and easy.)

• Jelly Bellies, especially popcorn and licorice flavors. (I would be on Cloud 9 eating them, one by one, savoring the flavor.)

• Meanwhile, back at the ranch, it would be so awesome if one of my children would buy me body wash from Bath and Body works, for my nightly bubble baths. (Sweet Pea is my favorite scent!)

• I would be made in the shade if gifted with a nice, strong pen, preferably with purple or green ink.

• A new mug for my tea with a sentimental slaying would be fab.

• A gnarly new wallet would be welcomed, (one with extra room for pictures of all my kiddos and grandkiddos!)

• Bubble gum flavored lip gloss, with a hint of pink coloring, would help me look like a fox. (even if only around my mouth area…for the first five minutes…before I lick it off…,)

I would be tickled by a variety of inexpensive items that my kiddos could buy me for Christmas. Anything they buy for me with love will be copasetic. It would bum me out if they spent a lot of money on me, because it really IS the thought that counts!

As I crash on Christmas eve and go to sleep, I know opening my presents on Christmas morn will be a gas, yet won’t cost my children an arm and a leg.

Here’s to hoping your children get to keep their appendages also!


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